23 March 2018 – Advent Announcements

“Thy Will Be Done” – Lenten Season Worship Series: “Not as I will, but as you will,” Jesus prayed to his Father the night before he went to the cross for our salvation. That is our prayer as well this Lenten and Easter season as we seek to do God’s will in our lives.

March 25, Palm Sunday, 10:30 a.m. – God’s Will When We Are Not Willing: In this service for Palm Sunday, we remember that we are not always willing to do what God asks of us, but in His Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem, Christ reveals to us that even tough roads are worth traversing for the good of the Kingdom. Note that for this service we will gather in the Fellowship Hall and Narthex with our palms to begin worship. All will process into the sanctuary during the opening hymn. Please write any prayer requests on the Prayer Request sheet in the narthex before the service begins.

March 29, Maundy Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – God’s Will and Joyful Service: In this service for Maundy Thursday, we remember that Christ asks His disciples to wash one another’s feet, as He has washed theirs, for the joy that was set before him. Serving one another with joy is a tribute to Him who is the Servant of All.

Good Friday, March 30, 7:00 p.m. – God’s Will is Done

Easter Sunday, April 1, 10:30 a.m. – God’s Will for the New Creation. Please join us for a potluck brunch at 9:15 a.m. Bring a brunch dish to share; beverages will be provided. Family and friends are welcome. Any questions please contact Lois or Maryanne. There will be an Easter egg hunt after the service. If you are participating and are able, please bring a dozen (or more) filled, plastic eggs to hide.

Choir Rehearsal: Thursday, March 29 immediately after the Maundy Thursday service. We plan to sing on Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Please join us whenever you can. Music is available if you can’t make it to rehearsals but want to sing with us for services. Practice files are available here.

Tuesday morning Women’s Bible Study has completed its interesting study of “Finding I AM.” We are in recess until after Easter.

Tuesday evening Men’s Bible Study will not meet on March 27. On April 3 our study will be Joseph: Carpenter of Steel.

Women’s Evening Bible Study is moving to Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. beginning April 3. The current study is “The God of All Comfort” by Donna Pyle.

Lumberton Area Activities

Lumberton High School “Storm Support”:Our invitation to Advent members and friends to help LHS students with cap and gown fees and prom ticket costs brought in a total of $950 in gifts! Mr. Hammonds, LHS Guidance Counselor, sent the following email message of thanks: “Your gift is already in use. I actually had a family who had their house burn down (they are not “storm students”, but I wanted to help them anyway and knew you would not mind), so I provided some immediate help for them. We have purchased some prom tickets. -Prom is next week. We are now working on offering to pay for our “storm students” who are Juniors and Seniors to take the SAT or ACT. We will also use the funds to purchase caps and gowns. So a large THANK YOU to our fellow brothers and sisters, and may God continue to bless you.” Sharing gifts is a blessing for the recipient AND the giver.

Volunteer Work Crews: On March 15, four members of Advent joined other workers in Lumberton to help repair and restore homes damaged by Hurricane Matthew, a demonstration of how God uses us for His good works. The workday was one of a series of events organized by Pastor Puls, Hope Lutheran, Winston Salem. Want get involved? Contact Pastor Scott or Dave Neely.

Pastors Send Their Thanks: Your notes to the three pastors who led us during the search process were warmly received. Pastor Lineberger told Pastor Scott he was pleasantly surprised by all the cards, notes, and thanks – and amazed – he had never had such an outpouring of thanks! He sends his thanks to all. Pastor Williamson sent a message to thank the Advent family for your notes to him. Pastor said he “was humbled by the kind words. It was a pleasure to serve you.” He sends his greetings to all.