Here is today’s worship service:
Readings: Jeremiah 15:15-21; Psalm 26; Romans 12:9-21; Matthew 16:21-28
A Children’s Message is included!
CCLI Streaming License Number 20410877
Coronavirus Updates: Letter from Pastor Scott and the ACTS Group
Good News from Lumberton – Ms. Crocker and her three children moved into a rental home on August 21 and started back to school on August 24. (Ms. Crocker teaches English II. Her son is a seventh grader, and the twins are second graders.) They had been living in a hotel since a fire destroyed their home and all possessions in early July.
Ms. Crocker sends her gratitude for your prayers and donations to help them recover.
To continue to help with Lumberton, or in other locations, please contact Carolyn Jones (Mission/Outreach Board). Email Carolyn at or call/text her cell at 919-810-2460.