Sunday, May 2nd, we will return to live/in-person worship!

Services will be at: 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Our ACTS (Advent Coronavirus Team of Safety) group, as well as the Church Council have agreed that we are now ready to resume worship services for the time being, but there are many adjustments noted below. We will continue to meet to discuss how things are going with these services, and should numbers go back up in North Carolina, we’ll re-assess where we are at with worship.

Please read this Memo!

A Sign-Up Genius email (as well as some phone calls) will be sent out to Members and Friends beginning this week, and these are needed for tracking, and so that we don’t have too many people in the building at the same service. Sign-ups will be needed for now, every week.

Other things to note due to CoVid protocols are the following:
-We ask that people remain in their vehicle until just a few moments prior to the service they attend. (In other words, unfortunately, we ask that you not come into the church 10-15 minutes early to pray/meditate or fellowship.)
-We will have limitations on the number of people attending, so there is space for physical distancing. This is why a second service has been added.
-Masks will be required.


We WANT things to return to some normalcy, however, to continue to love our neighbor, things will look and be different for a time:

*There will be no Communion during these services. (Contact Pastor for private communion. We’ll also be looking to add midweek Communion services again soon.)

*There will be no Sunday School or Bible Class at this time. (See below for an Adult Zoom Bible Class opportunity. Youth Events continue to take place. And our Education Committee will continue to look at Christian education opportunities for younger grades.)

*There will be no Fellowship Hour or Fellowship within the Church Building. However, people may gather in the parking lot at an appropriate physical distance.

* Services will be about 45 minutes in order for cleaning between worship services and to allow for the most amount of people.

*Virtual Services will continue.

*Any verbal responses should be spoken lightly, to not spread the disease.

*Singing will be done by a singer, and folks may only “whisper” sing, and with masks on. It has been determined that robust singing is dangerous from perspective of spreading the virus.

*There will not be handshakes, or passing of the peace at this time.

*There will not be a processional/recessional at this time.

*There will be no bulletin or hymnals. Words will be up on screen.

*You will be ushered in, so that we keep airflow in order and so that we are distanced. That said, you likely won’t be in your normal, chosen seat. We ask that people remain in their seats as much as possible.

*Vinyl padded chairs will be used so that we can clean these after services.

*Much of the church is closed and we ask that you don’t go to or use those areas.

*Restrooms will be available, but we ask that you attempt to limit the usage if possible.

*Pastor will be available after service outdoors to bring pastoral concerns, however he will have limited time after the 9:00 a.m. service.

-And, once again, Sign-ups are needed prior to the services.

Contact Pastor Scott at Pastor’s Direct Email if you have other questions or concerns.

We hope you understand the reasoning behind all these changes, and we certainly look forward to being back in the Lord’s House to worship Him!

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