NO Live/In-Person Worship Today (December 24) or Sunday December 26 |
CoVid Exposure Unfortunately, it appears the Lohman family has had an exposure to the Coronavirus. We all have had vaccines and boosters, but one member of the family has cold-like symptoms. We are awaiting the “official” test, but a self-test did show as CoVid Positive. Thankfully, he is doing fine and not worsening. And none of the rest of us have any symptoms. Our speculation is the Omicron, highly transmissible variant, but again, that is speculation.Currently, we are now quarantining, and continuing distancing and masking. There has been discussion with our ACTS Team (Advent Coronavirus Team of Safety) and in order for Advent Lutheran Church to remain cautious and safe, we have determined the best course of action to be for us to be VIRTUAL Only for Christmas Eve (Today) and for Sunday (December 26th). We know this is very disappointing, especially at Christmastime with family, and we are truly sorry for this. We love you and want was is best. A Virtual Christmas Service will be sent out later today. It will be under the “Worship” tab on the Advent website or Click here for Advent’s YouTube Channel. Presently, we are still not certain about Worship for January 2, but will keep you posted. May each of you be blessed by the Lord who is Come! Merry Christmas! Pastor Scott Pastor’s Direct Email |