Inclement Weather Cancellation
Due to weather forecasts of refreezing, and black ice, we are cancelling tomorrow’s (January 23, 2022) in-person worship service. Additionally, we are aware of concerns with sideroads, subdivisions, driveways, sidewalks, falling and the like.
A Virtual Service will be sent out and will be under the “Worship” tab on the Advent website or Click here for Advent’s YouTube Channel.
Here is Advent’s Inclement Weather Policy:
Advent Lutheran Church-Inclement Weather Policy The Pastor will confer with the President, the Chair of the Board of Worship, and the Chair of the Board of Elders to reach a decision about cancellation of a Worship service or other event. If the event is cancelled, the congregation will be informed by email no later than two hours before the event is scheduled to begin. The office manager will set up a phone tree to call all members who do not use email as soon as the decision is made and will notify local ABC and NBC television stations. The announcement will also be posted on the Advent website and Facebook as soon as possible.
If a service is not cancelled and someone feels unsafe driving, they are encouraged to stay home.
Should there be someone you believe may not get this message, please reach out to them about this cancellation.
May each of you be blessed by the Lord who is Come as our Savior!
Blessings and Stay Safe!
Pastor Scott
Pastor’s Direct Email